Chameleon Collection
Choose from our fine selection of wallpapers and fabric with fabulous and vibrant colours to choose from.
Choose from our fine selection of styles from Art Deco and Art Nouveau to Damask and Paisely choose from.
Choose from our fine selection of periods. This covers 1920s to 1930s all the way to modern designs
We love wallpaper brands! Check out what we have available.
Chameleon Collection
Egyptian Wallpaper - Egypt
Egyptian Wallpaper "Egypt" - Available in any colour

Egyptian Wallpaper

Egyptian wallpapers and fabrics from Chameleon Collection.We have a collection of Egyptian papyrus images which can be used to create repeating wallpapers or whole wall murals.They can also be used for stunning fabric drapes and curtains.With a little imagination we can help you create a totally exclusive Egyptian interior scheme.

Thats not all... Search below for a wide variety of Egyptian wallpaper designs. We promise you will not be disappointed.

Egyptian Wallpaper - Egypt
Egyptian Wallpaper "Egypt" - Available in any colour

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